The Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey

w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matt Mitchell @WilsonPractice

Who is your Hero? We all need them. As children, we often look up to the man or woman in the comic book, on the TV or movies, playing sports, or in our favorite book. Some of us choose an athlete, superman, wonder woman, an actor or actress, a musician, or a parent or family member.


However, somewhere along the pathway of life we let our heroes go. People settle into mediocre lives of the daily grind of traffic, work, reports, and meetings.

Individuals tend to settle in and keep up the rat race pace by working to buy the newest and best things. Human have a tendency to settle in with mediocre living filled with non-mindfulness.

@FindingJoeMovie a film by Patrick Takaya Solomon, urges us all to take a deep and long look at our lives and follow your bliss. The story urges all of us to find our inner hero, and move away from mediocre living. The film is based on the work and ideas of Joseph Campbell, an award winning mythology and philosophy scholar. In the film, the viewer is taken through a series of brilliantly depicted myths and challenged to see the metaphor within the myth and how it can be applied to real life.

The viewer is introduced to the Monomyth, a pattern in narrative stories, also known as The Hero’s Journey.


The Basics of The Hero’s Journey

  1. Departure – The hero is called into adventure. They leave their known existence and head off into the unknown.
  2. Initiation – The hero is challenged. They endure the hardships, trials and tribulations that are needed for transformation.
  3. Return – The hero goes home. They experience bliss and enlightenment during their journey and return home transformed.


Who is willing to make the hero’s journey?
Who is willing to leave what’s known?
Who is willing to venture into the unknown?
Who is willing to live a radically different life?
Who is willing to be wildly creative?

And how can we apply this to our lives practically?

The Hero’s Journey will require courage, and it does not necessarily mean quitting your day job to take up an iron shield, or does it?

Follow Your Bliss…

Practical Ways to Incorporate the Hero’s Journey into Your Life

  1. Determine Your Passion
  2. Spend More Time Doing What You Are Passionate About
  3. Join Others Whom You Share Passion With
  4. Teach Others About Your Passion
  5. Lose Track of Time ~ spend more time in “Flow”
  6. Take a Day Off ~ focus on your Bliss

Who will be the Hero of Your Adventure?


For more information:


